Buyer’s Remorse
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If you are thinking about buying your first home, take out a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side, list all of the advantages of owning a home. On the other side, list all of the negatives, or disadvantages.

When you find the “perfect” house, the one you want to spend the rest of, or at least a good part of your life in, odds are you may experience what is commonly referred to as “Buyers Remorse.”

Can you afford it? Is it the right time? Should you have waited? What if you lose your job? What if this happens? What if that happens? Anxiety and stress set in. This is a normal response to buying a home. You have just made the single biggest purchase you have ever made in your life and it can be downright scary.

Remember your list?

Back when you were thinking clearly, you were fairly rational about home ownership. You catalogued the good and the bad, weighed them against each other, and decided that buying a home was the smart thing to do. Reviewing the list will help resolve your buyer’s remorse.If you failed to create this list beforehand, and most people do, there is help.

Do it now! Odds are you already went over every conceivable positive and negative in your head a hundred times before deciding to buy a house. You just need some reminding.